Saturday, December 5, 2015

December challenge day 3: one word

Encapsulate the year 2015 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2016 for you? (Gwen Bell)

I've wrecked my brains and the only word I can come up with to encapsulate 2015 is LIFE.

I know it might look like I am cheating, but I feel  that's what went on, life.

Good days, bad days, busy days, lazy days... we fell into a rhythm -not perfect- but good. we had life, we enjoyed life, we struggled with life. we were spared anything that would distract us from life, ordinary, wonderful, everyday life.

For 2016 I have to admit I cheated. I loved back at my posts from previous years and realised that this sense of being on a constant treadmill has been going on for a little too long. so for 2016 I  want my word to be "present". I hope to achieve a sense of being in the moment.  Of enjoyment, balance, lack of expectations (good or bad) just sitting and breathing and enjoying those around me.