Friday, February 27, 2015

more on field work and gender

Because of the nature of my work, I'm usually  either in the field or working from home. While at home I only interact via Skype and email with the outside world, so for  the most part I keep it, let's say, business casual, with emphasis on the casual.  In an unusual turn of events I was asked to support some work at UN HQ.  I am happy to report that I was able to locate  a pretty decent black suit at the bottom of the closet. My 7 year old's son response to seeing me come down for breakfast in a full suit -as opposed to jamies-  was priceless:

son (with bewildered expression)
- why are you wearing that?

-remember I told you I would be working in an office this week, like daddy?

sister, (on natural speed, as usual)
-yes! remember? she is going to the office, like daddy. Coming home late, like daddy

son (still unconvinced)
- but do you have to wear that?

- yes, when you go to the office you have to wear a suit

sister (bouncing madly around in the background)
-yes, like dadee, like dadee

son (still clearly bewildered)
- even if you are a GIRL?!

And that's when it hit me. He had taken our style choices (suit vs pjs) as linked to our  genders as opposed to our work environments.