Thursday, April 18, 2013

we did one on fairies, now it's time for the dragons...

Trouble has finally realised what fun drawing can be. While his sister slaved away trying to capture if only a reflection of the magic and shiny glitter that inhabits her mind, he would often bore after a few minutes of trying, and failing, to do the same.

He is a rational being. so small but there it is. His inquisitive mind  wants to understand, while hers wants to create. He needs facts, figures and for everything to be 'correct'. she needs it to be pretty. 

But then magic happened. It blew out of her page when someone accidentally  left the window open, and fairy dust from her bathed him and made him able to see  how this tool can also serve him. He is much more interested in the factual details: number of fingers, location of any marks or indentations, all the facts need to  be included in the drawing for him to be satisfied, while  colour and form take a secondary place, but the magic happens just the same. 

Art  is a wondrous thing  which allows me to see the detail  hidden in their hearts, as if holding a giant microscope which acts as a telescope at the same time, allowing me to see the adventures, hopes and dreams that take place in far away lands, far beyond the cold "I don't know"  that usually comes out of their lips.